Monday, April 8, 2013

Misguided frustration.

Beyonce and JayZ are more controversial than Dennis Rodman?

This article talks about the recent trip by Beyonce and Jay-Z to Cuba and the pending investigation as a result. This investigation was instigated by three republicans politicans in Flordia, including Marco Rubio. The other representatives were quoted saying, "“Cuba’s tourism industry is wholly state-controlled,” Ms. Ros-Lehtinen and Mr. Diaz-Balart wrote in a letter to the Treasury Department on Friday, “therefore, U.S. dollars spent on Cuban tourism directly fund the machinery of oppression that brutally represses the Cuban people.” 

The couple traveled to Cuba on a 'people to people' license, which is meant to grant Americans entrance into Cuba solely for the purpose of  “educational exchange activities that will result in meaningful interaction” between Americans and Cubans.

The whole investigation is whether or not educational exchange actually took place.

This comes barely a month after Dennis Rodman, of all people, visited Kim Jong-un and was singing his praises, which seems to only be at the dismay of people who understand human rights and the violations of such in North Korea.

This issue with Cuba and Beyonce and her husband is not one of borders, as portrayed, but rather is another publicity stunt of politicians. Yes, the issues between Cuba and the US are serious and need attention, but the strong remarks made by the three politicians do nothing to curb the fact that Beyonce and Jay-Z spent their time watching little girls dance in bumblebee suits.

Mr. Iglesias, The director of a dance company that Beyonce visited while in Cuba said it best. “If to come here and share ideas and emotions isn’t a legitimate exchange between peoples, I don’t what is". 

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